Call for action days ‚Welcome2Stay‘ 18th to the 23rd March 2017.

Samstag, 18. März 2017 - 0:00
Welcome to Stay!

For the right to come, to go and to stay

The European system of exclusion is getting more and more brutal.
Germany is going ahead with more and more deportations – Let us raise our voice together! Join the nationwide days of action for a right to stay and equal social rights for everyone from 18th to 23rd of March. Show your solidarity, your struggles and your visions of a society in which migration does not pose a threat.

Welcome2Stay is calling for these nationwide action days. We are a network of various groups and organisations working in the field of antiracism, self-organisation of migrants and welcoming initiatives. Following the so called “Summer of migration 2015” we came together to develop a common civic voice and on a congress in June 2016 we agreed on two core demands for equal social rights and the right to come, to go and to stay.

Now we want to spring into action and express our common demands. The action days are supposed to raise attention to the voice of this solidary society. They are supposed to show that the practical application of these demands is already happening in many places. They are also supposed to take a stance against the current rightward shift in society and against the trend of authoritarian kicking down. It does not matter if street action, demo, neighbourhood party or information booth: Take a stand. Show your work, show your struggles and show your visions. Get creative and above all send us videos, reports and pictures of it. We put together a team for the central organisation and coordination of the various activities on these action days. It will be also responsible for public relations and for any other questions.

Due to the current situation the focus of the action days will be on the right to stay. The adopted asylum packages, which state the so called safe countries of origin, led to a massive increase of deportations to ice-cold eastern European countries. After the conclusion of agreements with some African states as well as with Afghanistan we fear further mass deportations in the near future. Probably in the next few months ten thousands of Afghans will be send back to a country, which is still destroyed by war and suffers from military conflicts.

Why did we choose the weekend of 18th March 2017? On this day will be the anniversary of the ratification of the EU-Turkey deal. The objective of this deal was the “regulation of refugees’ flows”, which is contributing to the brutalisation of the European border regime. With this call for the 18th March we are joining the Europe-wide protests against the brutal boarder regime and struggle for freedom of movement as well as the right to come and stay. Also the Hotel City Plaza in Athens is calling for action. This 7 floor hotel was squatted half a year ago and serves since then as a self-administrated home for refugees and as a place of antiracism and solidarity.
(Here you can find the call:
